Section of Humanities and International Health 

Purpose and Aims

  1. The Section of Humanities and International Health, originally the History of Pathology Club, and the Humanities in Pathology and International Health Special Interest Groups, will be a forum for discussion, sharing ideas, and exchanging information in the fields of the Medical Humanities (which includes, but is not limited to, history, ethics, philosophy, religion, law, literature, music, and art as they relate to Medicine in general, and Pathology in particular) and International Health.  These two fields, Medical Humanities and International Health, are closely linked.  The former cultivates and promotes various dimensions of a complete physician, while interest in the latter is a natural outcome, as humanist pathologists want to facilitate or provide laboratory services that address identified needs in developing countries around the world.
  2. The Section will provide Continuing Professional Development for Association Members in important non-medical expert roles, including, but not limited to Communicator, Collaborator, Health Advocate, and Professional, including physician health and well-being.
  3. It will mirror the evolving appreciation of the role of the Humanities and International Health in Medicine and Pathology, as demonstrated by the development of Medical Humanities Programs and International Health Offices in many medical schools across Canada and the United States.
  4. In the context of increasing sub-specialization in Laboratory Medicine, it will provide a forum where all members of the Association can participate and find an interest.

Past Chair - Jim Wright
Vice Chair - Laurette Geldenhuys
Chair - Hallgrimur Benediktsson
Secretary - Christopher Milroy
Three Members-at-large, including one Resident - Henny Rees, Moosa Khalil, Alicia Andrews (Resident)

Section of Humanities and International Health Bylaws

  1. Membership in the Section shall be available to any Ordinary Member, Emeritus Member or Associate of the Canadian Association of Pathologists (Association) provided they have expressed an interest.
  2. Under exceptional circumstances, a person ineligible to be a member or Associate of the Association may have membership in the Section. Such a section member shall not be a member of the Association and shall not have any right or privilege in the Association because of his or her membership in a Section.
  3. The officers of the Section include a Past-Chair after the first term of the Chair, a Chair, a Vice-Chair, a Secretary and three Members-at-Large, including one resident.
  4. At each annual general meeting of the Section, it shall elect from amongst its members officers to any vacant position. The Secretary-Treasurer of the Association shall be notified of the names and addresses of the elected officers.
  5. The officers of a Section must be members or Associates of the Association.
  6. The term of each executive position is two years, and the Secretary will become the Vice-Chair, the Vice-Chair the Chair, and the Chair, the Past-Chair to ensure continuity.
  7. The Section shall hold its annual general meeting in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting of the Association. It may hold other meetings as its executive deems necessary, provided that five (5) section members request a meeting in writing addressed to the secretary of the Section.
  8. The Section shall operate within the framework of the purposes, objects, and aims of the Association and shall not express opinions on behalf of the Association without the prior written approval of the Executive. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it shall be autonomous insofar as election of officers, internal organizations and fees are concerned. It shall provide an annual report of activities to the Executive.

Current Activities:

Special Symposium on Climate Change, Halifax, June 2020 - details to follow

Guillermo Quinonez Seminar on the Medical Humanities
This annual event is part of the CAP-ACP Annual Meeting, and is named after a founding member of the SIG.

  • Symposium: Humanities and International Health Lecture - Tuesday June 13, 1000-1200 - PEI’s Powerhouse Pathologists: Malcolm B. Dockerty and Lewis B. Woolner, James R. Wright, Jr., University of Calgary, Calgary Laboratory Services
  • CAP-ACP William Boyd Award Lecture: Tribute to Guillermo Quinonez: Recipient of the 2017 CAP-ACP William Boyd Lectureship - Sunday June 11, 1730-1800
  • Guillermo Quinonez Biographical Summary
  • Past Guillermo Quinonez Seminars

Past Activities/Projects:

Founding Members

  • Jim Wright
  • Hallgrimur Benediktsson
  • Laurette Geldenhuys
  • Akash Gupta
  • Angela Tate
  • Chandrani Ghosh
  • Chelsea Maedler
  • Cheng Wang
  • Chris Naugler
  • Danny Salloum
  • David Grynspan
  • David Rayner
  • Esther Ravinski
  • Fergall Magee
  • Godfrey Heathcote
  • Guillermo Quinonez
  • Hakan Aydin
  • Ian Brain
  • Jim Gough
  • John Veinot
  • Kathleen Wong
  • Lakshmi Puttagunta
  • Leslie Anderson
  • Marcio Gomes
  • Mary Kimloch
  • Monalisa Sur
  • Moosa Khalil
  • Rob Hammond
  • Sid Croul
  • Viktor Zherebitskiy


- last updated July 2019 -